Monday, 3 September 2012

Something Fishy

People, do you know how hard it is to buy fish without plastic wrapping?  Even when you have a happily compliant fishmonger, such as the good people at G. Armstrong in Stockbridge?  Some fish don't mind a bit of paper - witness Exhibit No. 1, hot smoked salmon:

  Plays well with others

Things fall apart - literally - when using normal paper to wrap smoked salmon.  However, your intrepid author was determined to obtain said morning staple plastic-free (other than the used Tesco bag in which to carry the finished product).  The result is smoked salmon with an unexpected second skin:

Oh dear, oh dear.......

Nothing that a little rinse under the faucet won't remedy.


  1. Hi Laurie. Bring some grease-proof paper with you and ask them to put it in that. Graeme also carries bio-degradable bags with him when he goes shopping for things like veggies etc. P xx

  2. Yeah, we had intended to do that but forgot at the last minute. Next time.
