After having lived plastic-free for a month (only three occasions where cheeky plastic popped up out of nowhere!), now it's time to check the balance. How did we do? What were the difficulties and what was easier than thought?

5 weeks of non-recyclable rubbish
So how did we do? Well, I can only speak for myself as my better half spent 10 days abroad... We're still on the same bin bag for 5 weeks now, with 90% of the content consisting of plastic and other non-recyclable waste bought before we started the project. I think we can probably do with one bin bag for an entire year (new challenge?). That depends of course on what we adopt in the future...
It was easier than we thought. Once you know where to buy what, you just embed it in your daily or weekly shopping routine. We did encounter some difficulties with specific products. We had to compromise on surface cleaner. And we didn't buy any ice cream and crisps for a month. Other potential problems were errr... a brush for dishes. The rest is all doable if you're willing to go the extra mile.
What will we keep on doing plastic-free?
- Needless to mention but of course we will keep on refusing any plastic bags
- Buying meat and fish using tupperware boxes when we can
- No more fizzy drinks in PET bottles
- Milk in glass bottles
- Fresh orange juice instead of Tetrapak juice
- Baking cookies instead of buying the plastic covered one
- Refusing and avoiding all pointless plastic wrappings (bread, veggies, fruit etc)
- A bar of soap instead of liquid in a plastic container
- Washing powder in a cardboard box rather than liquid
- Toilet paper in starch wrapping (ecoleaf)
What will be a plastic-free compromise in the future?
- Toothpaste (toothy tabs are great for camping, but not for daily life...)
- Liquid shampoo
- Coffee beans (we'll buy 1kg packs of our favourite Espresso from the Edinburgh Tea & Coffee Company)
- Supermarket pizza (this one is Jan's- I quite liked our homemade plastic free pizza)
- Crisps
I'm sure it'll take a while before we take out the next bin bag!