Who's taking on the Plastic Challenge?
We're on the lookout for anyone wanting to join in this initiative! If you fancy giving it a go, email us and we will send you some basic guidelines and add you into the group so you can share your plastic-free triumphs and tribulations with the world. You can start at any time - it's fun to join with a group of friends though, so reach out and get a group to take part!
Here are a few of the participants involved at the moment:
Going plastic-free for 1st September to 30th September 2012
What's going to be tough? Travelling and staying plastic-free, Finding cookies with no plastic wrapping (Jan), Getting lunch at work… pretty much everything I normally get has some plastic involved, Contact lenses, Plastic Free Toothpaste??… and I hope I don’t lose my bank cards – getting replacements might be tricky!
Plastics we found most in our rubbish / recycling: Milk bottles, Packaging from meat (and vegetables), Cola bottles
Our three exceptions: Still to be decided!
Jim and Laurie
What's going to be tough? Purchasing foodstuffs in northern climes without plastic, while avoiding reverting to being a Pict. These will be difficult to find:
What's going to be tough? Not getting obsessed with this, and finding Snacks on the go
Plastics we found most in our rubbish / recycling: Plastic trays for tomatoes, mushrooms and other fruit and veg, Milk bottles.
What's going to be tough? No sweets and chocs for a month may kill me
Plastics we found most in our rubbish / recycling: Milk, food packages (meat and fruit)
Three exceptions: TBC possibly yoghurt and pasta
What's going to be tough? EVERYTHING!! Shampoo, toothpaste and all of our meals, since 95% comes in plastic packaging! The biggest challenge for us will be the need to plan our meals as we buy food on an adhoc basis and we like convenience- hence a lot of plastic!
Plastics we found most in our rubbish / recycling: All of our food comes in plastic!
Three exceptions: Chocolate, Crisps, Toothpaste

What's going to be tough?
There are three necessities in life: beer, pastry based foods and coffee. Beer (glasses in pubs) and pastry based foods (Greggs in paper bags) will be no problem. But my morning coffee comes in a plastic based cup, and I will probably forget to bring a flask and I wont be able to resist the caffeiney goodness.
Plastics we found most in our rubbish / recycling: Water bottles
What's going to be tough? Finding alternatives to toiletries, not being able to buy bargain reduced meats and sandwiches at the supermarket
Plastics we found most in our rubbish / recycling: Bottles, whether from washing detergent, shampoo, sports drinks, juice, sauces, milk
What's going to be tough? Low blood sugar when caught out unprepared with only plastic wrapped snacks around; Not having our morning cup of coffee (unless we cave and splurge on the delivered milk which may very well happen yet!); Devoting the time it takes to shop around for plastic free items; Explaining to our dog Ellie why she can't have her favourite treats...(Kidding, more like explaining to ourselves why WE can't!)
Plastics we found most in our rubbish / recycling: Milk containers, yogurt and hummus tubs, fruit and vegetable packaging, Kettle Chip bags, toiletry containers
We're on the lookout for anyone wanting to join in this initiative! If you fancy giving it a go, email us and we will send you some basic guidelines and add you into the group so you can share your plastic-free triumphs and tribulations with the world. You can start at any time - it's fun to join with a group of friends though, so reach out and get a group to take part!
Here are a few of the participants involved at the moment:
Jan and Carrie

Plastics we found most in our rubbish / recycling: Milk bottles, Packaging from meat (and vegetables), Cola bottles
Our three exceptions: Still to be decided!
Jim and Laurie
What's going to be tough? Purchasing foodstuffs in northern climes without plastic, while avoiding reverting to being a Pict. These will be difficult to find:
- Fish (fresh but more so, smoked)
- A range of dairy products and, I think, fruit juices
- Toiletries/medications
Plastics we found most in our rubbish / recycling: Foodstuffs and fizzy water
Going plastic-free for 1st September to 30th September 2012
Plastics we found most in our rubbish / recycling: Plastic trays for tomatoes, mushrooms and other fruit and veg, Milk bottles.
Our three exceptions: Contact lenses/contact lens fluid, cereal bars (diabetic emergencies on the go!, milk (will think about giving the glass delivery service a wee go though)
Going plastic-free for 1st September to 30th September 2012
What's going to be tough? No sweets and chocs for a month may kill me
Plastics we found most in our rubbish / recycling: Milk, food packages (meat and fruit)
Three exceptions: TBC possibly yoghurt and pasta
Going plastic-free for 1st September to 30th September 2012 (except when abroad)
What's going to be tough? EVERYTHING!! Shampoo, toothpaste and all of our meals, since 95% comes in plastic packaging! The biggest challenge for us will be the need to plan our meals as we buy food on an adhoc basis and we like convenience- hence a lot of plastic!
Plastics we found most in our rubbish / recycling: All of our food comes in plastic!
Three exceptions: Chocolate, Crisps, Toothpaste

Going plastic-free for 1st September to 30th September 2012
What's going to be tough?
Plastics we found most in our rubbish / recycling: Juice bottles, Radox shower gel for men with ginseng and minerals bottles, food containers.
Three exceptions: Fishing tackle, Contact lenses, toothpaste
Going plastic-free for 3rd September to 30th September 2012
What's going to be tough? Not using daily contact lenses; Toothpaste although I have tried the bicarb soda and it's not too bad (kind of...!); I love my 17p sparkling water bottles - I will miss those!
Three exceptions: No exceptions!
What's going to be tough? Finding alternatives to toiletries, not being able to buy bargain reduced meats and sandwiches at the supermarket
Plastics we found most in our rubbish / recycling: Bottles, whether from washing detergent, shampoo, sports drinks, juice, sauces, milk
Three exceptions: Not yet decided - will wait and see
Brenna and Pete
Going plastic-free for 1st September to 30th September 2012
Plastics we found most in our rubbish / recycling: Milk containers, yogurt and hummus tubs, fruit and vegetable packaging, Kettle Chip bags, toiletry containers
Three exceptions: Oat cakes, German style Biona rye bread, bags of nuts/cereal bars (to combat the low blood sugar thing) although these may change as the month continues.
hey buddies - you still active ?
ReplyDeleteHey! I love your site... This group is no longer very active... The founder got a job overseas and so we haven't managed to invest the time to get other groups to take on our challenge. The site is still fully useable thoug if you know any edinburgh based plastic reducers who want to contibute:)