We've been searching for dried pasta with no plastic in the packaging. So far, I've only found lasagne sheets... and to be honest, that's just not all that exciting. I know there are fresh pasta options around town that I can probably get without them being shrouded in plastic - but if it's fresh, it has a shelf life - and it's not the all purpose, last minute, "I forgot to buy anything for supper so what can I make out of what's in my cupboard" staple that I know and love.
I've developed a new-found intolerance for the completely stupid plastic windows in the cardboard boxes that package a lot of pasta. Why do we need to see it? I believe the pictures on the front!
So I was excited when my husband arrived home with some paper-wrapped spaghetti from Morrisons. He had the proud look of a hunter gatherer who has found what we need to survive the upcoming month.
We cracked open a beer (thankfully still sold in glass bottles... I'm not sure I'd survive a month beer-free) - and ripped open the package - only to find a SNEAKY PLASTIC WRAPPER inside. Grrrrrrrrr!
I have a feeling this is going to be a recurring theme for the month.
If anyone finds some plastic free, dried pasta out there... let me know! And maybe post comments for any other sneaky plastic wrappers you find to avoid us all making the same mistakes?!
I think we may have found the solution! Barilla pasta is sold in cardboard boxes, no plastic window in them... we found them in Peckhams, but i'm sure they are sold elsewhere. I'll keep you al posted!!